New Year = New Podcasts & Time For Another Update!

Towards the end of 2019 I suffered a bit of a “podcast drought”, I was impatiently waiting for some new series to get stuck into. Well a new year has brought them. Here are the latest Podcasts that I am enjoying and racing through as usual!

1. Chasing Cosby - Reported & Hosted By Nicki Weisensee Egan for the L.A Times.

I think most people are familiar with the name Bill Cosby, who as described by is a:

“… once-feted entertainer who is now a known, prolific rapist.”

Since as early as 2005 Cosby has been accused of sexual-abuse. These early claims were strongly reinforced in later years as more and more victims/accusers came forward (+40 accusers) with their own personal accounts, all of which had one strong common element - Cosby’s use of drugs/sedatives (Quaaludes/Methaqualone) on his victims, rendering them helpless and allowing Cosby full control.

Cosby was a man who:

“For nearly half a century, Bill Cosby led a double life preying on women. The comedian carefully coaxed them into feeling safe and cared for, then left them to pick up the pieces of their lives.” (Source here).

This new six part podcast series entitled Chasing Cosby collects:

“… the first-hand accounts of women who say they were drugged and assaulted by “America’s Dad.” And in her own words, Andrea Constand finally gets to tell her side of the story.” (Source here).

Be prepared for sensitive information and graphic descriptions. However, this Podcast gives the victims an opportunity to tell their stories, to be heard and listened to and to take back the power.

The L.A Times also brought us the hugely successful Dirty John Podcast which I previously included in my Blog My Top Eight Podcasts For Long Travel Days. Go and download Chasing Cosby now, you won’t regret it.

2. Monster: DC Sniper - Presented By Tony Harris for iHeartRadio & Tenderfoot TV.

From the same people (iHeartRadio & Tenderfoot TV) that brought us the brilliant Atlanta Monster Podcast series, Monster: DC Sniper is another winning Podcast in my opinion.

The Monster: DC Sniper Podcast, as described on the Podcasts dedicated website is a:

“This true crime podcast places the listener in Montgomery County, Maryland on October 2nd, 2002 when an unidentified sniper began randomly killing people going about their daily lives. Host Tony Harris traces what investigators, journalists and the public learned from the first shot until the last and ultimately asks the question: Does the person convicted of these crimes ever deserve a second chance?” (Source here).

Great listening especially if like me, you are familiar with this story but have forgotten the details, the outcome and so on.

3. A Perfect Storm: The True Story of The Chamberlains - By Seven West Media.

This true crime podcast was actually released in December 2019 and the last episode was released January 19th 2020. That is good news though, it means you can binge on one episode after the other!

A Perfect Storm: The True Story of The Chamberlains is a Podcast in which:

“… all of the facts behind the death of Azaria Chamberlain are exposed. If you thought you knew the story, you don’t …” (Source here).

Azaria Chamberlain was baby girl, born in Australia to parents Lindy and Michael. On the night of August 17th 1980, at only two months old while on a family camping trip to Uluru in the Northern District of Australia, baby Azaria was killed by a dingo (or group of dingos) and her body was never recovered. The subsequent investigation into her death resulting in the wrongful charging of her mother Lindy with Azaria’s murder is presented to you in its entirety in this gripping and shocking Podcast.

A really great Podcast with lots of very knowledgeable reliable contributors. A word of warning, you will probably cry at times listening to this heartbreaking story.

4. Fake Heiress - Presented By Vicky Baker & Chloe Moss for BBC Radio 4.

Released mid December 2019 Fake Heiress takes an in-depth look into the scandal surrounding Anna Delvey who:

“… conned New York high society into believing that she was a multi-millionaire heiress.” (Source here).

Honestly, I don’t think I had heard of Anna Delvey before I started listening to this true crime podcast but I am enjoying it so far, easy listening and it is actually nice not knowing what is to come!

5. Blood Ties - By Wondery.

Last but not least, from probably my favourite Podcast producer Wondery (who brought us Dr. Death, Dirty John & loads more ludicrously good Podcasts) but this time something different, a six episode scripted drama!

The story behind Blood Ties is as follows, taken from the Wondery website:

“When Eleonore and Michael Richland (played by Gillian Jacobs and Josh Gad) lose their parents unexpectedly in a small plane crash, they must choose between two very different paths: honor their father’s legacy as a world-renowned cardiologist and health care magnate — or risk everything for the truth.”

I am really enjoying this Podcast. It is the first time I have listened to a drama/fictional story and it is a nice break from real life (and all the real life Podcasts I usually listen to). It must look into buying some audio books as I now think I would really enjoy them.

I hope you enjoy these Podcasts as much as I am and if you have any Podcast recommendations for me I would love to hear them :-)

If you've any questions, suggestions or just want to say hello, contact me via the Contact Form, Instagram (@noroadlongenough) or By Email